Guess what? i got admission to McGill =)
Really thanx a lot to my sponsor for supporting and helping me =)
Leaving Malaysia in August, ooh, will somehow miss Malaysia food i guess =)
But am excited cz can play snow during winter loo, omg, sounds so childish =)
3 months break right now, guess how i spend my holiday?? Eat and sleep everyday? Certainly not =P Hehe, some secret mission going on, lol =)
oohh, Pimples keep pop out and say hi to me recently, guess cz of the wheather, kinda hot and burn oo...
aah, whatever, life goes on, smile and face it girl =)
Huh, really will miss Malaysia - Malaysia food =)
hehe =0
苹果的生命很短暂对吧?放几小时就会变变变色了~ 与其感叹昨前天的不如意事,不如把握生命的每一刻,虽然有时候会比较“难”过, 生活中难免有起承转合,酸甜苦辣,但,生命可以是美好有意义的~苹果的拼图故事也可以是独特滴~蓝苹果会用力呼吸,努力活出专属自己的苹果哲学~
2010年6月24日 星期四
2010年6月13日 星期日

bye to cimp and bye to sunway college =)
congratulation to all my friends and for returning students goodluck too ya =)
wish you guys all the best in future undertaking and best of luck !!!
although we do not have more time to get to know each other better, am glad to know all of you and lets wish that we will meet up someday in the future =)
take care!!!!!
lets move on with life =)
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